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Timestrip Complete 2-8°C Cold Chain Monitoring

The Timestrip Complete is a 2-8°C dual  (high  and  low)  threshold  temperature  breach indicator.

It shows the  actual  amount  of  time  prod-  uct has been abused. Timestrip Complete gives   you   true   2-8°C   temperature   monitoring.

Each card contains 1 FCP 2°C indicator as well as Timestrip PLUS 8℃ indicator.

You can finally use a low cost chemical indicator with the muscle of an electronic recorder.

Timestrip PLUS 8°C allows you to see how long your product has been exposed to temperatures above 8℃. The irreversible blue indication moves across the breach window displaying the cumulative time spent above 8°C.

FCP™ quickly provides a clear visual alert when products have been exposed to temperatures that have fallen below 2°C. The irreversible, chemical col- or change indicator turns from green to red quickly and precisely at a specific set point.

Benefits & Features:

1. Fast-acting irreversible color change

2. Easy decision support, verification

3. Quick color transition in less than 1°C temperature range

4. Accuracy independently tested at ±1°C


Timestrip Complete labels are easy to implement, use and maintain:

1. Efficient, inexpensive monitoring

2. Designed for easy adherence to any product

3. Fast, accurate, self-activating visual alerts

4. Environmentally safe with no toxic chemicals

5. Long-lasting 1-year shelf life.



Irreversible,single use

Activation Feature

FCPis self-activating; Timestrip® PLUS is manually activated


FCP- Green to red; Timestrip® PLUS - white to blue

Accuracy of Temperature



Pressure   sensitive adhesive tape


76mm x 63.5mm


Shipping & Handling:


Recommended Storage

 Room temperature


 Non-hazardous,normal disposal(no glass components)

Shelf Life

1 year

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